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Front Office | Solved Paper | 2014-15 | 1st Sem B.Sc HHA

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Topic Wise Notes: Front Office

Please note: The answers provided below, are just for reference. Always consult your college professor if you have any queries.


Q.1. ‘First impression is the last impression which is created by front office department. Justify this statement.

Front office/reception is the first place where guests/customers arrive and come in touch with the staff. Front office/reception is the mirror of a hotel. The function of the front office is to directly get in touch with customers. The front office can discover more information about the customer by asking them questions and give answer ask by guest/customer also helping the customers out. Broadly speaking, front office includes roles that affect the right side (revenues) of trading statement of the business.

The front office receives information about the customers then will pass onto the other department of the company. The front office can also contact with marketing and sales department when the customers have questions on it. The company needs to give training to the front office manager because this position will contact with customers the most.

Staff working in the front office can also deal with simple tasks, such as sorting emails and helping on printing and typing tasks. Front office staff need to use different skills on technologies too, such as using the printers, fax machines and phone. This is the reason why training is needed before the staffs started to work, although some might only be simple tasks. The most common work for the front office worker will be a mix of getting in touch with customers and also helping out internally in the office.

Front office/reception is related to Service Delivery System, where employees engage with consumers/customers. It uses the parameter of labor intensity to figure out the distinctive characteristics of a service.


Q.2. Define hotel. Explain the classification of hotels.

As per the Hotel Proprietors Act, 1956, a hotel is an “Establishment held out by the proprietor as offering food, drink and if so required, sleeping accommodation, without a special contract to any traveller presenting himself who appears able and willing to pay a reasonable sum for the services and facilities provided and who is in a fit state to be received.” As a result of this definition establishments such as Hospitals, Hostels, Apartments and Prisons, although provide accommodation to people yet do not come under Hotels.

Classification of hotels

Hotel classification serves the following purpose:

  • Lends uniformity in services and sets general standards of a hotel and this make easy to set to expected standard from the property.

  • It makes to build an idea regarding the range and type of hotels available within a geographical location.

  • Acts as a measure of control over hotels with respect to the quality of services offered in each category.

  • Helps tourist select a hotel that meets their requirement.

Types of accommodation on basis of various factors.

a) Classification on the basis of Location b) Classification on the basis of Size c) Classification on the basis of Clientele d) Classification on the basis of Range of Service e) Classification on the basis of Length of Stay f) Classification on the basis of Star Categorization g) Classification on the basis of Management and Affiliation h) Classification on the basis of Ownership i) Classification on the basis of plans offered

OR Explain the evolution and growth of hotels.

History Of Hotels And Accommodation Industry And Their Development

The early history of accommodation for travellers can be traced back to the Greek word ‘Xenia’, which not only meant hospitality but also the protection given to a traveller from discomforts. The city was bound to offer hospitality. In Sparta city, although due to rigorous customs visitors were not encouraged, yet goddess Athena was considered as the protector of strangers and hence her name was ‘Xenia Athena’.

In this period travellers were mainly diplomats, philosophers, intellectuals and researchers. Guests were invited to stay with noblemen. In ancient Olympia, buildings constructed with the aim to accommodate strangers can be seen. They were called ‘Leonidio’ and were built in 4th century BC. The concept of hospitality can also be drawn back to ancient times. Mention of it is found in ‘Iliad’ and ‘The Odyssey’ by Homer.

During the seventh and eighth centuries, it was the monasteries that supplied hospitality to strangers and, as no charge was made for the accommodation, all travellers were expected to contribute according to their means to the Abbey funds. As more people began to travel they grouped themselves together, not only for the company but for mutual protection from highwaymen and robbers. Consequently, travellers arrived in groups at a monastery and it was often difficult to accommodate them all. In the early 19th century the concept of a hotel room was a sitting room in the front, a bedroom behind it and a storeroom to keep trunks behind the bedroom and this century is known as “Golden Age of Hotel of Hotels in Great Britain and the World”, To overcome this, separate lodging houses called ‘Inns’ (a Saxon word) were built. The word ‘lnn’ came to mean a ‘Lodging House’ and until the passing of the Hotel Proprietors Act in 1956, it was the legal term for ‘Hotel’ and hotel proprietors were legally referred to as ‘Common Innkeepers’. ‘Common’ in this sense referred to Common Law.

In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, manor houses, being hospitable places. willingly gave accommodation to travellers. As no payment was expected, travellers tipped the servants as a ‘thank you’ for the generous hospitality received-thus the practice of tipping was born.

When high taxes crippled the generosity and hospitality of the owners of the manor houses, many became commercial inns. During Elizabeth the First’s reign, posting houses were established and travellers, in addition to getting refreshment were able to change horses before continuing their Journey.

The turn of the century saw an era that was called the ‘Belle Epoch’ when the grand and luxurious hotels flourished. A few hotels are still operating today. In London and some other cities attempts have been made to recapture some of the grandeur of the past era in the making of modern hotels, and bring back the memories the grand hotels of olden days.

The next stage in the cycle of evolution of the hotel industry was the coming of the motor car. It enabled people to visit those parts of the country which could not be reached by railways. This gave birth to inland resorts and the hotel industry began to flourish.

International air travel has helped create the modern ‘stop-over’ hotel. With the increase in this form of travel, the number of hotels built close to airports has multiplied.

Another trend in hotelkeeping is the motel which is the twentieth-century version of the old ‘Coach Inn’. People travelling the country by car, stopping overnight here and there, require not only refreshment for themselves but also safe parking for their cars. Post Houses developed by the Trust Houses Forte Group are in fact the modern version of the old coaching inns. Great Britain is considered as “Motherland of the Hotel Industry.”


Q.3. Explain various functions of Bell desk of four star hotel and draw one related format.

Functions of Bell Desk

The senior bell captain is the in-charge of the bell desk and along with his staff performs various duties from here. The various functions performed from here are as follows.

1. Luggage handling

Luggage handling of the guest is done on various occasions such as arrival, during stay (change of room), and at the time of departure. At the time of arrival when the luggage of the guest is moved from car/taxi to the lobby and further to the allotted room, the activity is called “up bell activity”. When the luggage of the guest is moved from room to lobby and further to the car/taxi at the time of departure the activity is called “down bell activity”. The baggage is collected from the room upon request. A left luggage register is maintained in this case and an entry is made in this book. A baggage ticket (which has two parts) is used. One part is attached to the luggage and the counterfoil is given to the guest. This portion details the hotel’s liability exemption clause. When the guest comes to collect his luggage he has to produce his portion of the baggage ticket. The luggage storeroom must be secure at all times.

2. Paging

Apart from luggage handling the bell desk is also responsible for paging a guest. The paging is a system of locating the guest in the hotel. Many times the in-house guest expects a phone call or a visitor but decides not to wait in the room, and might decide to go to public areas such as a bar, restaurant. swimming pool, lobby or lounge, etc. of the hotel or may go out of the hotel. In such cases, the hotel requests the guest to tell about his whereabouts through a location form. This proforma may be kept in the stationary folds in the room as well as at the information section of the counter. Usually, it is mm in by the guest but many times it may be filled in by the hotel staff on the instructions of the guest The completed location form is kept in the key and mail racks. This information is sent to the telephone department also (the guest may directly inform or the front desk may do so). The purpose of the form is to earmark the area of paging and save time. In the case of a computer system, the information is recorded on the computer instead of the location forms.

3. Mail and Message Handling

The bell desk’s function is also to handle and distribute mail and message received by the front desk in the absence of the guests to their respective rooms. Also distribution or newspaper and magazines etc. to various rooms and the areas of the hotel and keeping a record of the same is done by the bell desk.

4. Delivery of Newspapers

As per the hotel policy, all hotel guests receive a copy of a local newspaper each morning. The bellboys in the night shift are responsible for delivering the newspapers to all occupied rooms. The bell captain obtains the room verification report (providing information on all rooms presently occupied). The bellboy then marks the room numbers for each newspaper. The bellboy also inserts the daily newsletters in each paper provided by the public relations office the previous evening. The bellboy then distributes the newspapers. The record of numbers of newspapers received on a daily basis is maintained by the night shift bell captain.

5. Collection of Room Keys at Departure

Another very important function of the bell desk is the collection of room keys from a checkout guest and depositing the same at the information desk.

6. Miscellaneous Jobs

Miscellaneous jobs such as postage stamps handling, taking care of outgoing mail of the guest, carrying out outside errands for the guest and hotel such as buying of cinema tickets, moving of files and documents, etc. for the guest as well as going to banks, post office and FRRO police station for delivering of ‘C forms’ etc., confirming of railways/bus reservation, etc. are done by the bell desk. Bellboy shall do the outside jobs only on the instructions of hell captain. A service call slip will be prepared. Also, an entry in the logbook will be made and an entry in the bell captain’s control sheet, which is meant to control the movement of bellboys will be made. Finally when the bellboy will return an entry will be made in the service call slip and bell captain’s control sheet and will be signed by bell captain. In most hotels these days the bell desk is also responsible for car parking areas and control of revenue generated from the car parking area. At times when there is a room discrepancy, the bell desk staff helps the lobby manager in checking and sorting out of the status of the hotel.

7. Wake Call

In some hotels, the wake-up call to groups and crews is coordinated by the bell desk. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the bell captain on duty in the morning shift to prepare the wake call sheets of all the groups and crews in-house.


Q.4. Explain various types of rooms available in a hotel.

Types of Rooms in a Hotel

1. Adjoining Room: An adjoining room shares a wall with another hotel room and is connected by a door.

2. Adjacent room: An adjacent room is very close to another room but does not share a common wall with it.

3. Cabana: A cabana is suited away from the main hotel building, in the vicinity of a swimming pool or sea beach. It does not have beds and is generally used as a changing room and not as a bedroom.

4. Duplex: A duplex comprises two-room situated on different floors, which are connected by an internal staircase. The suite is generally used by a business guest who wishes to use the lower level as an office and meeting place and the upper-level room as a bedroom. This type of room is quite expensive.

5. Double Room: A double room has one double bed for double occupancy. The size of a double bed is 4.5feet to 6 feet.

6. Double-Double Room: A double-double room has two double beds and is normally preferred by a family or group as it can accommodate four persons together.

7. Efficiency Room: An efficiency room has an attached kitchenette for guests preferring a longer duration of stay. Generally, this type of room is found in holidays and health resorts where the guest stays for a longer time.

8. Hollywood Twin Room: It has 2 single beds with a common headboard. This type of room is generally occupied by two guests.

9. Hospitality Rooms: A hospitality room is designed for hotel guests who would want to entertain their own guests outside their allotted rooms. Such rooms are generally charged on an hourly basis.

10. Interconnecting Rooms: Interconnected rooms have a common wall and a door that connects the two rooms. This allows the guest to access any of the two rooms without passing through a public area. This type of room is a deal for families and crew members.

11. King Room: A king room has a king-size bed. The size of the bed is 6 feet by 6 feet.

12. Lanai: A lanai has a veranda or roofed patio, and is often furnished and used as a living room. It has a view of a garden, sea beach or waterfall.

13. Murphy Bedded Room: Murphy bedded room is a room where the bed is hinged at the base of the headboard and swing up into the wall for storage. During the day room can be used in a sitting /living room and at night the bed can be laid for the guest to sleep.

14. Parlor: A parlor has a living room without bed and may have a sofa and chain for sittings. It is generally not used as a bedroom. European term for this is Salon.\

15. Penthouse: A penthouse is generally located on the topmost floor of the hotel and has an attached open terrace or open sky space. It has very opulent decor and furnishings and is among the costliest rooms in the hotels, preferred by celebrities and major political personalities.

16. Quad: A quad room has four separate single beds and can accommodate four persons together in the same room.

17. Queen room: A queen room has a queen-size bed. The size of the bed is 5 feet by 6 feet.

18. Studio: A studio room is a small apartment which combines living room, bedroom, and kitchenette into a single room.

19. Suite: A suite comprises more than one room, occasionally, it can also be a single large room with clearly defined sleeping and sitting areas. The decor of such units is of very high standards, aimed to please the affluent guest who can afford the high tariffs of the room category.

20. Single room: A single room has one single bed for single occupancy. The size of the bed is normally 3 feet by 6feet.

21. Twin Room: A twin room has two single beds for double occupancy.

22. Triple: A triple room has three separate single beds and can be occupied by three guests. This type of room is suitable for groups and delegates of meetings and conferences.


Q.5. Give hierarchy of the Front Office department of a five star hotel. List ten duties of Front Office Supervisor.

Duties of Front Office Supervisor.

1. Ensure Outstanding customer care at all times.

2. Maintains a friendly, cheerful and courteous demeanour at all times.

3. Courteously and accurately answers inquiries from potential guests and accepts hotel reservations.

4. Responds to telephone and in-person inquiries regarding reservations, hotel information and guest concerns.

5. Uses suggestive selling techniques to sell room nights, increase occupancy and revenue.

6. Supervise daily shift process ensuring all team members adhere to standard operating procedures.

7. Train, direct the work of, resolve issues/problems and coach and counsel the front desk team members to ensure a quality operation.

8. Resolve customer issues, complaints, problems in a quick, efficient manner to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and quality service.

9. Adhere to company credit limit / floor limit policies.

10. Allocate rooms to expected arrivals after checking the guests preferences and special requests.

11. Build strong relationships and liaise with all other department’s especially housekeeping, reservations etc.

12. Operates the EPBX equipment, including, assisting incoming & outgoing calls, setting wake-up calls, enabling DND (Do Not Disturb) and paging for in-house guests.

13. Cross Check all billing instructions are correctly updated

14. Controls cash transactions at the front desk and maintains complete responsibility for personal bank as specified by hotel bank agreement policy.

15. Supervise the operations of the front desk to ensure an optimal level of service and hospitality is provided to the guests.

OR Give ten essential personality traits of a front office staff.

To be successful in any human relationship you must reflect these characteristics: –

  • A warm personality, and smart appearances.

  • A keen interest in people, and polite and courteous nature

  • Poise under pressure, keeping his cool and problem solver.

  • A desire to be helpful, but also diplomatic and tactful.

  • The ability to listen, hard-working, and punctual.

  • A willingness to reflect management policy should be able to make quick decisions, The ability to get along with co-workers, and a pleasant approach and a good motivator and coordinator.

  • A desire to be liked, with good public relation qualities.

  • The ability to help another employee without resenting it or showing imitation. You should be confident, analytical, intelligent and a good salesman.

  • Neat personal habits.

  • Good memory (should be able to remember names of regular guests)

  • Knowledge of languages.

  • Numerical ability.

  • Reference point.

  • Image Builder.


Q.6. Explain Hotel Guest and Messages Handling Procedure with the help of a flow chart.


Q.7. Draw a neat layout plan of five-star hotel lobby and design a layout of multi-system Front Office Counters.

OR Enlist and give use of two each of automated, semi-automated and non-automated front office equipment.

Manual Equipments

1. Room Rack • Located just behind the front desk. • The room rack is a wooden framework designed and contains a metallic array of pockets which contains large number of room rack slips for showing the Reservation and HK status of each guest room of a property. • The Room Rack slip contained in the metallic pockets shows the type of room, the occupancy status of guestroom and name of the guest registered in the guest room.

2. Information Desk • Positioned at the front desk and used by the front desk agent to track the various in house guest of the hotel. • Information contained in the information rack are name of the guest, number and type of room occupied, rate of the guestroom and departure and the billing instructions.

3. Mail And Message Rack • It contains an array of pigeonholes with each pigeonhole used to store the various mails and messages received for an in-house guest.

4. Key Rack • It is underneath the counter of front desk. • It contains array of slots used to keep the keys of the guestrooms.

5. Folio Bucket • It is used in the front desk Cash section. • It contains large number of slots where folios are arranged sequentially according to room number. • It is used by the Front Office Cashier to store and track the folios of the registered guests of the hotel and also used to maintain the folios safely for future use and reference.

Semi – Automated

1.Posting Machine • For posting the various charges in the accounts of the guest. • Used to calculate totals of the guest accounts, departments and transactions. • There is a keypad in account posting machines which enables cashier to enter room number and type of transaction.

2. Cash Register • It is used to record various sales of sundries at the Front Desk such as stamps , Newspapers , Candies. • It includes a key pad , category key and amount entering key.

3. Wake Up Devices • It is used to remind the guests of the awakening the guest at the requested time. • The most famous device is James Remindo Timer which is an alarm clock with pull out pins. • Simple alarm clocks are used .Wake up calls are recorded in wake up sheet with information of time , room number and name of the guest.

4. Credit Card Imprinter • It is used when the guest makes a payment at the time of settling the bill. • Makes an imprint of the credit card used by the guest as a method of payment.

5.Typewriter • Used for preparing Front Office Documents like : I. Registration Card Of the Guest II. Group Reservation Confirmation letter III. To conduct other word processing job


1.Credit Card Validator • To check the validity of the guest credit card at the time of arrival as a mode of payment. • It is a computer terminal linked to the credit card data bank which holds the information concerning the validity of the credit card of the guest.

2. Time Stamping Machine • It is used to record the check in and checkout time of the guest and delivery time of any mail or message for the in- house guest. • It imprints the time and date on a piece of paper and is important for carrying out front office operations.

3. Fax Machine • Facsimile Automated Xerox • It operates through telephone lines to receive and send official documents.

4. Call Accounting System • It is fully computerized telephone system which allows the proper billings of the outgoing calls of the guest. • It is also known as APBX known as Automatic Private Branch Exchange.

5. Computers • It is used for the purpose of : Reservation Registration Accounting Auditing User friendly.


Q.8. Write short notes on any two: (a) Signification of tourism

Importance of Tourism

1. Economic Progress

The tourism industry aids and supports foreign exchange reserves. It benefits our country in generating foreign currency. Every year a large number of tourists visit India and other places. They visit places; stay and shop in our country. All this contributes to a significant amount of foreign currency generation. Despite the global recession, Indian tourism grew 6.9 % to approximately $42 billion in the year 2010.

2. Source of Income

Tourism is a continual source of income for public & private income. The government charges various forms of tax that is called government revenue. The income generated through these taxes is the public income. The profit earned by a seller, by selling items like local artifacts, handicraft items, etc, to the tourists is called private income. Tourism also helps in employment generation. It created jobs specifically in the hotel industry, hospitality industry, service sector, entertainment, and transportation industry.

3. Development of Infrastructure

Have you ever noticed how the look and status of a place change when it is declared a tourist place? Actually, tourism aids and encourages infrastructure development by making way for dams, roads, connectivity, airport improvements, and any other activity that helps a tourist in visiting a place in a much better way!

4. Societal Progress

Tourism is a wonderful method for cultural exchange. It also encourages societal progress as tourists learn to show respect, tolerance, and love for each other when they visit new places.

5. Cultural Heritage

Tourism helps explain the beauty, art, history, and culture of our country. Different people visiting any country take beautiful cultural concepts along with them and spread those concepts to others while visiting other places in the world. Similarly, the local skills, languages, and art get wide exposure through tourism. For example, Chokhi Dhani in Jaipur.

6. Educational Significance of Tourism

Tourism has been of great importance for education always. Study tours, short time courses, educational exchange programs, all these are a part and parcel of International Tourism resulting in better knowledge about host countries. Even sports exchange programs can be considered under this.

7. Tourism and Environment

Tourism also has spillover benefits such as preservation of environment which covers up an area of historical sites and cultural values. PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association) and WTO (World Tourism Organization) have laid down laws for its preservation and conservation. India has given a new lease of life to endangered species of animals by making laws on forbidding the hunting of lions, deers, peacock, and many other birds and animals. India has also set up a separate ministry of environment and forests to monitor the use of land from the environment point of view.

(b) Time share and condominium


Time-share hotels are referred to as vacation ownership hotels. The concept is that for a set period which may be one week or more in a year the person gets the right to enjoy the stay and other facilities and services in an apartment are any other type of lodging in a tourist complex. It is like an advanced purchase of time in holiday accommodation. Here the purchaser has to pay a one-time capital sum and then an annual contribution towards the maintenance of the property. The fee usually covers services such as cleaning and maintenance of apartment and public areas, electricity, gas, water, etc. Avalon resorts. Sterling resort, Mahindra holding, etc. are the few time-share hotels in India.


involve joint ownership of a complex. Each owner has the full benefit of a unit and shares the cost that is common to the entire complex such as taxes, maintenance, upkeep of the building, etc. each owner can occupy or sell his unit independently but is obliged under the terms of the contract to contribute towards the pool of common facilities and services. The owner can enjoy recreational exclusive to the complex and the management looks after the unit in the absence of the owner and if permitted by the owner let it out to provide income to him.

(c) Hospitality and its origin

Early travelers were either warriors or traders or people in search of knowledge and there were no hotels. Warriors and conquerors pitched their tents for accommodation while traders and persons traveling for knowledge placed a high value on hospitality and sometimes traded their merchandise for lodging.

Inn keeping can be said to be the first commercial enterprise for hospitality and one of the first services for which money was exchanged. Inns of the Biblical times offered only a cot or a bench in the comer. Guests stayed in large communal rooms with no sanitation and privacy. The rates were, of course, reasonable. The company was rough. Travellers shared the same quarters with their horses and animals.

King James Version of the Bible mentions that Mary and Joseph were turned away by a Bethlehem innkeeper because there was “no room at the inn”. According to Biblical scholars the innkeeper may have meant that the room was unsuitable for a woman about to give birth to a child. At that time, and probably for several centuries after that, men and women shared ‘ the same accommodation accompanied by their horses and livestock. The stable where Mary and Joseph spent the night was probably almost as comfortable as an inn and at the same time certainly more private than the inn itself.

In the 3rd century AD, the Roman Empire developed an extensive network of brick-paved roads throughout Europe and Asia Minor, and a chain of roadside lodges was constructed along the major thoroughfare from Spain to Turkey. Till the Industrial Revolution of the 1700s, no significant improvement was made in the inns and taverns and they were not very suitable for aristocrats. To accommodate wealthy travelers, luxurious structures were constructed with private rooms, individual sanitation, and comforts of a European castle. These elegant new establishments adopted the French word for mansion-‘Hotel’. Their rates were beyond the reach of an ordinary person.

In America, early inns were modeled after European taverns with sleeping quarters shared by two or more guests.

Herman Melville in his novel Moby Dick has mentioned a seaman who checked into a room of a nineteenth-century inn and the next morning woke up to find out that he was sharing the bed with a cannibal. Sharing beds was a very common practice in early American and European inns. Throughout the 1800s American innkeepers improved their services and continued to build larger and more amply equipped properties and most of these properties were located near seaport towns.

The tendency of Americans to travel more provided inspiration to lodging operators. The nation’ s democratic spirit also led to the development of comfortable and sanitary lodging within the reach of an ordinary person.

Hospitality Industry can be broadly defined as the collection of businesses providing accommodation and/or food and beverages to people who are away from home.

(d) Left luggage procedure followed by bell desk

At times guest finds it inconvenient and expensive to carry their luggage to a place where they are going for a few days. Guest is expected to check out by check out time (12 noon) even if their fight is in the evening and they find it too expensive to retain the room for an extra day just to keep the luggage. Most hotels offer the left luggage room facility free of cost but some hotels do charge for it. The left luggage facility may also bring back the guest to stay in your hotel on his next visit. The procedure for receiving luggage is as such:

Before accepting the luggage, it is checked whether the guest has settled his bill or not.

  1. Check the baggage of the guest if it is properly locked or not. In case the baggage is damaged then the guest must be informed and note for the same must be made in the receipt. Scanty Baggage Procedure

  2. Luggage stickers should be pasted on all luggage pieces. A proper receipt must be made, signed by both guest and bell captain, and handed over to the guest.

  3. Enter the details in the left luggage register with the expected date the luggage will be picked up by the guest.

  4. Keep the luggage in the left luggage room under lock and key.

When the guest comes to pick up his luggage pieces from the left luggage room then the following procedure is carried out. The guest is requested to give the receipt.

In case the guest has lost the receipts then the guest is requested to sign in the left luggage register.

  1. Check the receipt and bring out his luggage pieces from the left luggage room.

  2. Make an entry in the left luggage register entering the date luggage pieces delivered.


Q.9. Give step-by-step procedure for baggage handling on FIT arrival. Support your answer with any one document used during the process.

step 1: As soon as a taxi (or any other transportation) stops in front of the hotel / porch, Bell Personal or Door man should open the passenger door.

step 2: Greet the guest: “Welcome to [Your hotel name], I am [your name] do you need some help with your luggage?”

step 3: Help the guest to get out of the taxi (if needed).

step 4: Take the luggage from the trunk (ensure with the guest that nothing is missing).

step 5: Ask for guest name: “May I have your name Sir / Madam?”

step 6: Tag the luggage.

step 7: Escort or guide the guest to the reception area or to the reception floor.

step 8: Inform the guest that you will be taking care of their luggage.

step 9: If the reception is located on another area or floor then, Check the PMS and find out what room has been allocated to the guest.

step 10: Write down the room number on to the luggage tag.

step 11: Check with the FO team if the check-in formality is completed.

step 12: If the room is ready then place the luggage on the luggage rack in the room.

step 13: If the room is not ready, then store the luggage in the store room on the designated arrival shelve and update the Daily luggage register or log book with the details.

step 14: Escort the guest to the room if required and send the luggage by the staff elevator only.


Q.10. State True or False:

(a) Light shows are part of Tourism Industry. False

(b) Another name of American plan is Bonjour. False

(c) Casino hotels are located in the heart of city. True

(d) Concierge is not a part of front office. False

(e) Doorman is also called as chauffeur. False

(f) Many times guest complaints are beneficial to the hotel. True

(g) A quad room contains double-double bed. False

(h) Key and mail rack should be in clear view of the guest. False

(i) ‘SPATT’ means uniform staff. False

(j) Key card and welcome card are same things. True


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